Works well in the movies, but in real life, it just doesn’t quite work out that way.
Business owners know it. They understand that once they build their shop, they need to advertise, tell all their friends, give out free stuff, go door to door with mailers, stick more of them on car windshields in parking lots, and even make crummy commercials on late night television just to get the word out.
Job seekers know it. They understand that when they want a change or need a new job, they need to advertise, tell all their friends send out samples of their work, write up the dreaded resume and cover letter to each possible HR department and even volunteer as an intern in hopes of getting a “real job" once that time is over.
But forget about our professional lives, what about our lives at home? We sit at home at times wishing for someone to come on by and offer us a life of our dreams. When the doorbell rings, too often it has been someone coming by only for our vote or for us to give them a dollar to help their school.
Because it has been of no real benefit to us in the past, we sometimes stop rushing to the door every time it rings (or when opportunity knocks). In a related way, maybe we are so wrapped up in our life rut that we just don’t have the energy (physical, but mainly mental) to do anything about it.
‘Ya see, I would do more, but Survivor #4 is on tonight. It is supposed to have the immunity challenge to end all immunity challenges. So, ya see, I have to watch for that. Then comes the tribal counsel, then someone leaves, then it is time for something else to watch.’
Truth be told, our happiness in our personal lives works somewhat the same as for a business or when looking for a job. We must create the image in our minds that we are capable of being more than we are. We must know what it is we want out of whatever it is we do. We must build ourselves up by doing something. We must look around for opportunities and at least get a bit of information from them.
Then, here is the advertising part, we need to get out there and make ourselves known. Be it through a letter or a phone call or a trip to visit, we have to make the first real contact. We need to know what we have to offer and what is in it for us. And we don’t have to stay in any one thing forever. We can get out and try different things.

Even us shy introverted folks can use the Internet to get in touch with others who have similar interests. Can join local message groups and get to know people. Just don’t make sitting at the computer “chatting" with people your whole life unless it is really leading you to something you want to do in the “real" world.
The idea is to get out there, so you can get noticed so you can get a (better) life. The hardest part is the first step. Actually, its thinking of all the possibilities and having to narrow them down. Then comes the actual decision of what to do first.
Just get out there, do something for yourself for a change. Once you’re on your way towards something you enjoy, so many things will begin to open up. People will come into your life whom you would have never met otherwise. You’ll get to see new places in which you may have wanted to go to for years
, but never took the time. There will be different activities to be involved with which may have only been a wish to do.
Take the chance. Make the time. Get out there. Get noticed. And get a life you enjoy.
Business owners know it. They understand that once they build their shop, they need to advertise, tell all their friends, give out free stuff, go door to door with mailers, stick more of them on car windshields in parking lots, and even make crummy commercials on late night television just to get the word out.
Job seekers know it. They understand that when they want a change or need a new job, they need to advertise, tell all their friends send out samples of their work, write up the dreaded resume and cover letter to each possible HR department and even volunteer as an intern in hopes of getting a “real job" once that time is over.
But forget about our professional lives, what about our lives at home? We sit at home at times wishing for someone to come on by and offer us a life of our dreams. When the doorbell rings, too often it has been someone coming by only for our vote or for us to give them a dollar to help their school.
Because it has been of no real benefit to us in the past, we sometimes stop rushing to the door every time it rings (or when opportunity knocks). In a related way, maybe we are so wrapped up in our life rut that we just don’t have the energy (physical, but mainly mental) to do anything about it.
‘Ya see, I would do more, but Survivor #4 is on tonight. It is supposed to have the immunity challenge to end all immunity challenges. So, ya see, I have to watch for that. Then comes the tribal counsel, then someone leaves, then it is time for something else to watch.’
Truth be told, our happiness in our personal lives works somewhat the same as for a business or when looking for a job. We must create the image in our minds that we are capable of being more than we are. We must know what it is we want out of whatever it is we do. We must build ourselves up by doing something. We must look around for opportunities and at least get a bit of information from them.
Then, here is the advertising part, we need to get out there and make ourselves known. Be it through a letter or a phone call or a trip to visit, we have to make the first real contact. We need to know what we have to offer and what is in it for us. And we don’t have to stay in any one thing forever. We can get out and try different things.

Even us shy introverted folks can use the Internet to get in touch with others who have similar interests. Can join local message groups and get to know people. Just don’t make sitting at the computer “chatting" with people your whole life unless it is really leading you to something you want to do in the “real" world.
The idea is to get out there, so you can get noticed so you can get a (better) life. The hardest part is the first step. Actually, its thinking of all the possibilities and having to narrow them down. Then comes the actual decision of what to do first.
Just get out there, do something for yourself for a change. Once you’re on your way towards something you enjoy, so many things will begin to open up. People will come into your life whom you would have never met otherwise. You’ll get to see new places in which you may have wanted to go to for years
Take the chance. Make the time. Get out there. Get noticed. And get a life you enjoy.
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