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For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it’s half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Unlock Your Hidden Potential - The Simple Golf Swing

When you have an awkward shot to make, think about how you can swing, keep your balance, and keep from moving your head. Then imagine the line your club travels along.

Prior to setting up your shot, consider where the club head needs to travel for the greatest distance in a straight line. Keep in mind that the ball makes contact with the club head for several inches. After you make a few practice swings, you will be able to see what relationship your feet will have with the line and then you can determine your stance.

It is important to keep from swaying when you are about the hit the ball. Just before you swing, see if there is any problem keeping your balance. If there is, you need to keep shifting until you find a comfortable position where there is no tension in your swing. Freedom in your muscles and mind is what you are looking for so that you will be able to swing smoothly. If you are fidgety when you address the ball, you are not going to be able to focus on the ball. Be sure you keep your feet still.

Ensure that you can see the ball from the beginning to end of your swing. Even if it is a difficult shot, do not lose focus on the ball. This will help you hit the ball cleanly and solidly.

If you keep your eye on the ball, then your swing will be free from faults and the ball will be hit correctly. If you can keep your head still for the entire swing until the club head meets the ball, your swing will definitely improve. Then if you have an awkward shot, you will be able to hit it with confidence and assurance.

Bad or difficult weather can make any shot more difficult. When the wind is blowing, it is important to keep your feet closer together. It is natural to think that you just need to hit the ball harder, but the wind makes it even more important to hit the ball correctly.

The more awkward the shot, the more you need your muscles to be relaxed enough to make the shot. Here is a tip. The shorter the shot that you need to make, the closer your feet should be brought together. Hit the ball true, instead of with all of your strength to keep it from bouncing away and reducing the distance that it travels.

Awkward and difficult shots are something that every golfer needs to learn to deal with. Once you learn how to handle them, then you will be much more confident and be enjoying a lower golf score!

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Attraction

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Attraction

We intuitively understand the law of attraction, as evidenced by so many popular phrases: “You reap what you sow,” “give and you shall receive,” and “what you do comes back to you.” That’s the law of attraction in a nutshell: what you put out there comes back to you.

The Law of Attraction: It’s all in Your Head

We control the law of attraction with our very own thoughts! So we could revise those old sayings to read, “You reap what you think,” “think and you shall receive,” and “what you think comes back to you!”

Attitudes and emotions play a key role, too. That’s why we have to be very clear with ourselves when it comes to the law of attraction. On the outside we have a fake smile plastered on our faces and exclaim our affirmations into the mirror every morning: “This year, I’m going to make $75,000!” But on the inside we’re thinking, “There’s no way they’ll give me a raise this year.” And even deeper on the inside–so deep that we may not even consciously realize it–we believe that we don’t deserve a raise. And hence, according to the law of attraction, we’re not going to get a raise. The barrage of our constant stream of negative internal thoughts trumps our less frequent external actions–that’s the law of attraction in action.

Consistent behavior also gets the law of attraction rolling. Give love, and you’ll receive love. Be happy, and you’ll be surrounded by happy people. Be motivated, and you’ll be surrounded by energetic go-getters. Be nice, and others will be nice to you. Be grateful for what you do have, and even more will come your way.

Of course, the law of attraction can work to your detriment, too, if you don’t keep your thoughts, emotions and behavior in check. Act like a jerk, and people will be rude to you. Withhold love, and you’ll rarely get a hug. Feel sorry for yourself, and you’ll attract only losers who chalk all their bad luck up to “fate.”

You can employ the law of attraction to improve your life in countless ways: create happier relationships, earn more money, lose weight, attract the love of your life–to make your wildest dreams come true! All it takes to set the law of attraction in motion is your positive thoughts!

That’s because thoughts are a type of energy, and all matter in the universe is composed of energy. We know the brain emits different types of waves when we’re awake or sleeping, much like light and sound create waves. Therefore, according to the law of attraction, we literally create outcomes, or physical matter, with our thoughts!

How To Maximize Your Personal Potential In Business, School, Career and Life

We are all endowed with a special thing – i.e. our potential. Some of us realize this potential quite early in life where as, for some, it takes a lifetime to realize this. These latter people who take time to realize their potential often accept the fact that they have lost the time needed to bring their real potential to surface. That is why, it is really important to realize your potential within a given time period, else its often too late to begin.

Moreover, one can also realize their hidden talent while discovering their real potential. This is done with experience, with the help of family, friends and even enemies. However, quite unfortunately, people at times, also tend to de-motivate a person to such an extent that their search for their hidden potential becomes lost in their misery. That is why, we recommend some general guidelines which can be adopted in order to buff and polish your hidden potential.

1. Read books:  If you want to discover your hidden talent or potential, you can explore and search your interests and stay abreast of the latest happenings in your field of interest. This would not only keep you updated, but also make you flourish especially if your career is in your interest fields.

2. Expand your exposure:  You need to expose yourself to different happenings that take place these days. In many cases, you will realize that your hidden potential lies in the knowledge that you were exposed to since childhood. So you must travel to places, research about topics of interests and make social networks with associates that might help you discover your hidden potential.

3. Find a good mentor:  A successful mentor who understands you would certainly make you realize your hidden potential. They will help you regarding matters such as dealing with family matters, business dealings and other aspects. A mentor would certainly bring about that hidden talent that you have not realized yet.

4. Take challenging work:  Taking up challenges would help you optimize your potential and find it. Being out of your comfort zone would not only make you realize what you are made of, but you would also be surprised to discover those aspects about your personality that are actually unknown to you.

5. Participate in competitions:  Participating in competitions would help you tap into your own talent pool and discover the undiscovered! This would need you to maximize your time and energy and enhance your skills.

6. Try new things: You should treat every day as a new day, a new beginning. Look ahead at new avenues and don’t hesitate to try new things or taking risks.

Every one of us has unique potentials hidden inside them. All we need to do is to wake up and start looking for them.