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For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it’s half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


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Scientific definition of love as I feel:  love is formed when attraction, wish and submission to action combine together in human. When we find something attractive in any look or form, the enchantment comes from within, that leads to our wish of any form that leads to submission. This natural behavior erupts through mind and body by reaction.  We love one type from many flowers when we are attracted to that one among many types of flowers, from inside we are tempted so we wish, that wish makes to submit to take action to appreciate, pluck or feel by touch or smell, is love. These three processes of nature tempt life form, to act according to natures system. 

Philosophical definition of love as I feel: Love is feeling of deep affection for someone who has tempted emotionally for seeking devotion and regard. Two factors contribute one is external appearance and the other is internal appearance (behavior, similarity etc ;). These two main attractions tempt people for wish. The qualities are so pleasant that we internally begin to respect the qualities that lead us to devotion. We feel deep attachment with person and fall in love, it may be mother/ father, son/ daughter, home pets, husband/ wife or friends or anybody who has attracted to invite attention to feel attached. Mother hugs and cares her baby because she is very much attached and can not allow a day/moment missing without seeing her, even if she is out she still has baby in her mind and concerned. We feel as one and part of us so take care and feelings of sacrifice emerges in us. Love is a result of advanced culture and civilizations where people evolved realization. 

Spiritual definition of love as I feel: Love is utmost feeling of devotion towards supernatural being. Meaning of this love is sacrifice and surrender to divine. The term “love” was realized firstly by religion for people in the society. God was an icon whom people were tempted to devote, that devotion was called love by religion. So “Love” in religion is realization of divine and sacrifices.

The term “Love” we use in many occasions, I love doing this-that, love him-her-it.  What we say “love” influences our mind by its attraction that constantly draws attention towards it by its inspiring qualities. This quality arouses our entity to pull towards it, so our action is submissive and we act as per what the attraction’s objective is! This natural process is the  reaction when finds alike environment generated by the attraction. Our brain collects information of the attraction through external parts eyes, nose, ear, and body hair, passes signal to our entity that reacts instantly and brain acts. Chemicals in us react to shape up our body in accordance.  When we say or feel love, our body shapes in submission and gives clear indication of arousing of sensation.  This also affects our behavior, we act under the influence pulled by attraction and put all our efforts to submit that enchants us. An action in our body is pleasant, so entire body rises and its joyous sense reflects externally. Thus Love feeling is natural medicine to live healthy. Each part of our body is joyous by chemical reaction is also tonic that refreshes the brain.

Beauty is: Experiences what enchants our conscious. Beauty is; that raptures us and raises our emotions.  Beauty is; that attracts and pulls us towards its virtue
External beauty is what we see and internal beauty is what we feel by experience, both have power to attract. External appearance drives immediate attention on the other hand internal beauty attracts when we experience.  Normally some people are not good looking externally, yet they are very cool and touching, they attract when people feel them. Abraham Lincoln was advised by a little girl to grow beard because he was not externally attractive, yet his qualities and behavior were so strong that attracted entire US to follow him. External appearance is what is apparent and attraction is fast, the internal beauty influences unhurriedly but effects are stable or long lasting that we feel by experiencing. It is not necessary, some one with less external appearance is not attractive; those have internal gorgeousness give long lasting effect and impression. Generally, people associated with such are gifted and talented. So only few lucky people, who believe in experience rather than appearance, get attracted to internal beauty. Normal people get attracted instantly to external appearance and later repent. Reason is what looks pleasing is not always the same from inside. It does not mean good looking is always bad from inside; there are very good instances also beauties love for others. .

Marriage is portrayed as ecstasy, as a result, most feel cheated when enter real married life. Much- much dreamt about married life becomes hell when come in practice. Marriage is delicate tie, when both partners rely on each other, becomes the strongest and lasting relation. Marriage is not what we dream rather is a step to matured life with additional responsibilities. Stable marriage requires patience, satisfaction, dependability, caring, understanding, consolation, sharing, passion and blossoming. When, desire exists for inaccessible that results disappointment. So "Adore what you have and what is within reach".
Love is deeply misunderstood with sexual contact, has become love making. Thus meaning of “love” has been denigrated. Love can be sacrifice, devotion, caring, appreciation etc; In fact love is different feature and is submission to attraction. On the other hand sexual contact is an act that is consequence of submission but in different relation. Love is not with mate only can be with anything or any one. When two are attracted to each other they submit to each other. The submission to attraction is with objective to sense/experience the attraction so they attach to each other. Contact varies from relation to relation as mother with child, brother/sister father/daughter or son and etc; Sexual contact is with one kind with whom the wish is different. Sexual contact is natural process of nature to release for the sake of new generation! As in order to support long living, pain is given by nature, in case of we feel wound that helps us to attempt to escape from what hurts to make wound. Gratification is given to human being is to release. Gratification of release of anything, that is unwanted by body or to create new generation. An example during release of urine, excreta and phlegm we feel relieved that gives us satisfaction but when we do not release for long time we feel pain that forces us to release on priority basis, whatever urgent work we may be doing, we will leave and rush for our relief. As regards the promotion of new generation nature is very clever, has given us the best of best and the ultimate pleasure (to avoid cheating) to tempt us to act to give new birth and to feed with milk for its growth.

Above information about love is my assumption only, so use only if you and your heart are satisfied

Saturday, September 18, 2010

आरक्षण कि आग में जलता "भारत"

आज पूरा भारत आरक्षण की ऐसी आग में जल रहा है जहा से उसे बचा पाना मुस्किल है. हर तरफ आरक्षण का बोल बाला है. आज जिसे देखो उसे आरक्षण चाहीय.  पुरे भारत में रह रह कर ये ही शोर सुनायी देता है के किसी ना किसी जाती को आरक्षण चाहीय. बिहार हो या राजस्तान, गुजरात हो या फिर जार्खंड, उत्तर परदेश हो या फिर आंद्रप्रदेश, सभी राज्यों की अलग अलग जातियों ने आरक्षण के मांग की है. और अब हरयाणा के जाट भी आरक्षण की मांग करने लगे है. अगर सरकार ऐसे ही आरक्षण बाटते रही तो वो दिन दूर नहीं जब भारत में सामान्य जाती के लोगो के लिये कुछ नही बचेगा.

आरक्षण का वास्तविक उद्देश्य क्या है?? 

भारतवर्ष में राजनैतिक दलों द्वारा बडे ही दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण तरीके से धर्म जाति, वर्ग, क्षेत्र तथा भाषा आदि के नाम पर जनता से वोट मांगे जाते हैं। राजनैतिक दल अथवा नेतागण इस बात को भली भांति समझते हैं कि चूंकि उनके द्वारा विकास एवं प्रगति के नाम पर ऐसा कुछ विशेष नहीं किया गया है जिसकी दुहाई देकर वे मतदाताओं से अपने पक्ष में मतदान करने का निवेदन कर सकें। अतः मतदाताओं को धर्म जाति व सम्प्रदाय जैसे सीमित दायरों में बांधकर तथा उन्हीं सीमित स्वार्थों का वास्ता देकर मत प्राप्त करना इन नेताओं व राजनैतिक दलों को सुगम प्रतीत होता है। और यही विचार आरक्षण जैसे उस फार्मूले को जन्म देते हैं जोकि शायद ही समाज के किसी भी एक वर्ग का सही ढंग से कल्याण कर पाता हो। परन्तु देश में लागू आरक्षण की वर्तमान नीतियां अनारक्षित वर्ग के लोगों में आरक्षित वर्ग के प्रति वैमनस्य का पर्याय अवश्य बन जाती हैं।
स्वतंत्र भारत में आरक्षण की शुरुआत दलित समाज को अन्य समाज के बराबर खडा करने के उद्देश्य से की गई थी। समय गुजरने के साथ-साथ दलित, आरक्षण तथा आरक्षण की आवश्यकताओं आदि की परिभाषा भी बदलती गई। यदि कुछ लोगों ने विशेषकर आरक्षित वर्ग के सम्पन्न लोगों ने इस आरक्षण नीति के लाभ उठाए हैं तो इसी आरक्षण के विद्वेष स्वरूप हमारा यह शांतिप्रिय देश कई बार आग की लपटों में भी घिर चुका है। मण्डल आयोग की सिफारिशों को लागू किए जाने को लेकर पूरे देश में छात्रों द्वारा अपने भविष्य के प्रति चिंतित होकर जो आक्रोश व्यक्त किया गया था तथा उस दौरान जिस प्रकार की दर्दनाक घटनाएं सुनने में आई थीं, उन्हें याद कर आज भी दिल दहल जाता है। परन्तु आम जनता सिवाए मूकदर्शक बनी रहने के और कर भी क्या सकती है।
बहरहाल उच्चतम् न्यायालय ने गत् दिनों ओ बी सी आरक्षण के विषय में अपना जो ऐतिहासिक निर्णय दिया है उसने वास्तव में नेताओं की आंखें खोल कर रख दी हैं। उच्चतम् न्यायालय की एक 5 सदस्यीय पीठ ने सर्वसम्मति से अपने ऐतिहासिक फैसले में ओ बी सी वर्ग को उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों में दिए जाने वाले 27 प्रतिशत आरक्षण के दायरे से आरक्षित वर्ग से सम्बद्घ रखने वाले सम्पन्न परिवार (क्रीमी लेयर) के लोगों को अलग रखने का निर्देश दिया है। साथ ही साथ माननीय न्यायालय ने शिक्षण संस्थानों को इस बात की भी हिदायत दी है कि आरक्षित सीटों के लिए अतिरिक्त सीटों का प्रबन्ध किया जाए ताकि सामान्य श्रेणी के छात्रों के हित भी सुरक्षित रह सकें। माननीय उच्चतम् न्यायालय का यह ऐतिहासिक फैसला एक ऐसा अदालती फैसला है जिसकी प्रतीक्षा गत् 5॰ वर्षों से देश के बुद्घिजीवी समाज द्वारा की जा रही थी। पूरे देश में इस विषय पर प्रायः बहस होती रहती थी कि आरक्षण का वास्तविक उद्देश्य क्या है तथा आरक्षण का आधार आखिरकार क्या होना चाहिए। धर्म जाति के नाम पर आरक्षण किया जाना चाहिए अथवा आर्थिक स्थिति के मद्देनजर आरक्षण की जरूरत महसूस की जाए? अब तक देखा भी यही गया है कि आरक्षण तो बेशक दलित अथवा पिछडे वर्ग के लोगों का उनकी जाति अथवा समुदाय के आधार पर कर दिया जाता था परन्तु उसका लाभ जमीनी स्तर पर वास्तविक जरूरतमंदों तक बहुत ही कम पहुंच पाता था। आमतौर पर आरक्षित समुदाय से संबंध रखने वाले शक्तिशाली, नेतागण तथा साधन सम्पन्न लोग ही आरक्षण का लाभ उठा पाते थे।  ऐसा होने से निश्चित रूप से आरक्षण दिए जाने का सरकार का वह उद्देश्य पूरा नहीं हो पाता था जिसके लिए कि आरक्षण नीति लागू की जाती थी। अर्थात् दबे कुचले व अपेक्षित समाज को ऊपर उठाना, उन्हें बराबरी के दर्जे पर लाना तथा इस प्रकार सम्पन्न भारत का निर्माण करना।
उच्चतम् न्यायालय ने पहली बार उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों में ओ बी सी को दिए जाने वाले 27 प्रतिशत आरक्षण की परिधि से ओ बी सी वर्ग के सम्पन्न परिवारों (क्रीमी लेयर) को अलग रखने की हिदायत देकर भविष्य के लिए एक नई एवं सार्थक बहस को निमंत्रण दे दिया है। हालांकि केंद्रीय मंत्री राम विलास पासवान जैसे सम्पन्न घरानों के लोगों को यह बात जरूर नागवार गुजरी है तथा इन्होंने सम्पन्न घरानों के आरक्षण की भी वकालत की है। परन्तु पासवान जैसे नेताओं की बातों में केवल स्वार्थ की ही झलक देखने को मिलती है जबकि उच्चतम् न्यायालय का निर्णय पूरी तरह न्यायपूर्ण, राष्ट्रहित में तथा आरक्षण के वास्तविक उद्देश्य की पूर्ति करता हुआ नजर आता है। आरक्षण का आधार आर्थिक होना चाहिए, जातिगत नहीं। इस बात को लेकर कई दशकों से हमारे देश में अच्छी खासी बहस होती रही है। टेलीविजन व प्रिंट मीडिया में प्रायः इस विषय पर पत्रकारों व समीक्षकों के विचार आते रहे हैं। यदि मुट्ठी भर आरक्षित जातियों से संबंध रखने वाले नेताओं की बातें छोड दें तो आम समाज इसी विचारधारा का पक्षधर नजर आया है कि सम्पन्न लोगों को आरक्षण कतई नहीं दिया जाना चाहिए अर्थात् आरक्षण का आधार आर्थिक होना चाहिए जातिगत नहीं।

आज जब भारत तरक्की की राह पर आगे बढ रहा है तो उसे फिर से पीछे धकेलने की साजिश है ये।समाज को दो हिस्सों मे बाँटने की साजिश है।मै तो आरक्षण के औचित्य पर ही सवाल उठाता हूँ।आजादी के पचास साल बाद भी यदि हम आरक्षण की राजनीति करते रहे तो लानत है हम पर। मेरे कुछ सवाल है, शायद कोई आरक्षण समर्थक जवाब देना चाहे:
  • क्या दलित आज भी पिछड़े हुए है? यदि पिछड़े हुए है तो आजतक के आरक्षण का किया धरा सब पानी मे गया। है ना? और यदि नही पिछड़े है तो काहे का आरक्षण?
  • देश मे एक व्यक्ति एक संविधान क्यों नही लागू होता?
  • आरक्षण से दलित वर्ग को आज तक कितना लाभ हुआ?
  • हम हर जगह खुली प्रतियोगिता की बात करते है, तो फिर सभी नागरिको समान प्रतियोगिता का अवसर क्यों नही देते?
  • कब तक हम वर्ग विशेष को आरक्षण प्लेट मे रखकर देते रहेंगे?
  • सामजिक न्याय के नाम पर हम कब तक योग्य प्रतिभा का गला घोंटते रहेंगे?
  • कब तक ये वोट की गन्दी राजनीति चलती रहेगी?

आंबेडकर मे संविधान मे आरक्षण का प्रावधान सिर्फ 10 साल के लिये किया था अब 63 साल हो गये हैं ।जो आरक्षण पिछ्ले 63 साल मे कुछ नही कर पाया वह अब क्या कर लेगा?? 
भारत में रहना अब और भी चैलेंचिंग होने वाला है ।
सरकार अब शिक्षण संस्थाओं में 50 प्रतिशत आरक्षण करने वाली है ।
तो अब हमारे छोटे भाई बहन जो जी तोड मेहनत कर रहे हैं, मूर्ख हैं ।
क्योंकि कोई उससे कम योग्य होते हुए भी जाति के आधार पर प्रवेश पा लेगा ।

क्या ये करने से देश व समाज का भला होगा ?
या जातिवाद, घूसघोरी को बढावा मिलेगा ।
यह कदम सिस्टम को मजबूत करेगा या उसे और कमजोर करेगा ?

मेरा मानना है कि जिनके पास साधन नहीं है पर प्रतिभा है, उन्हें साधन प्रदान किए जाने चाहिए, चाहे वो किसी भी जाति के हों । पर परीक्षा में चयन सिर्फ योग्यता पर होना चाहिए ।
मतलब सरकार व समाज पढाई के लिए जो हो सकता है करे, ट्यूशन फीस माफ करे, किताबों का इन्तजाम करे, कोचिंग की व्यवस्था करे और एक ऐसा सहयोग दे कि साधनाभाव का एहसास न हो ।

आप क्या सोचते हैं ?

Friday, September 10, 2010

“India” Bringing International Sports To Its Home……

This Year India Is Going To Host The CWG-2010 From Oct 3 2010 to Oct 14 2010.

And Now India will host its first Formula 1 Grand Prix on October 30,2011. The announcement came following an extraordinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council in Paris on Wednesday.The addition of an Indian GP to the F1 calendar will make 2011 a 20-race season,the longest in the history of the sport.

According to FIA deadlines,the track needs to be completed by July 30 and it will get a go-ahead subject to FIA homologation.

The 5.14-km track,located on the outskirts of Greater Noida (35km from Delhi) is being built by Noida-based Jaypee Sports International (JPSI) and is designed by German racetrack designer Hermann Tilke,who has designed F1 circuits in Malaysia,Bahrain,China,Turkey,UAE and South Korea.

Delhi F1 track among 5 fastest.....

According to Mark Hughes,vice-president (operations ) of JPSI,the track will be among the top five in the world as far as average speed is concerned.The average time per lap is expected to be around 1 minute 24 seconds.The track will have straights,quick corners and elevation changes.Hughes assured that the track would be ready by May 31.

FIA delegates will then inspect the safety conditions of the circuit along with the nature of the track surface.The track,which is being built at a cost of $350 million,will have a spectator capacity of 1-1.2 lakh and wont be restricted to Formula 1 races.Its being built to accommodate Moto GP and Superbike races as well.

I Believe This announcement will provide a major boost to Indian motorsports. With the Indian GP,more people in India will have access to not only F1 but motorsports in general. For me personally, it will be thrilling to be on the grid and hear the Indian national anthem before the start of the Grand Prix.

I Think the track at Noida will prove to be a catalyst to Indian motorsports, similar to what Sepang was to Malaysia. I am very happy and excited by the announcement. To have an Indian team on an Indian circuit will be a treat for home fans. This will also ensure participation of the automotive sector in motorsports.

But What About the, ticket prices?? Will be affordable and have different grades? Tickets will go on sale from January next year.

Among the various features of the track is the main grandstand that can seat 30,000 people.

Its a monumental task,and work is under way at a staggering pace.

So Guys Hold on to your holiday programmes for next year, for Greater Noida might just be the place to visit in October for an adrenalineinduced weekend.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Role of Youth in Indian Politics – Perceptions, Reality and Future

Youth in politics has been frequently touted as the perfect pill to cure all the ills that plague the Indian political system. A number of debates, especially if they involve the ‘younger’ and ‘urbanized’ crowd, will frequently propose “youth in politics” as the perfect antidote to everything that is wrong with Indian politics. Have more young people as MPs, MLAs and miscellaneous other elected representatives, and voila, that will be the end of corruption, lethargy and red tape! At least, this is what is widely believed. In addition, there is a widespread loathing towards the older set of politicians, admittedly with valid reasons.

But it is pertinent to pause, and have a careful look at this proposition. Can a greater participation of youth in politics be sufficient to bring about the winds of change that we all are eagerly awaiting. In my humble opinion, it is not very pertinent to equate “young” with “better” in politics. Frankly, I rate this proposition in the same category as the suggestions for “shooting criminals publicly” and “imposing military rule for n years” – drastic and impracticable. Why? For a number of reasons.

How do you define young?
 The law permits voting rights at 18 years of age, though a person willing to contest an election to become an MP in Lok Sabha has to wait another 7 years, that is, till 25 years of age. This is young enough by any standard. SO what is preventing 25 year olds from contesting elections in greater numbers? The often propounded reasons of cynicism and apathy do not hold water. If someone really wants to join politics to serve people, then he or she is not likely to be swayed by small irritants. Probably, the priorities of youngsters itself has changed. We want the good things in life right now, not the eternal hard work and hurly-burly of active politics.

If one looks at the statistical details closely, some facts may come as a surprise. Most people are likely to believe that the average age of our national parliament would be in the higher regions of 60, though actually, it is not so. The average age of MPs in the present Lok Sabha is around 55 years, which is the age group of the maximum number of MPs. This should be seen with the fact that most of the MPs have had a fair stint in state politics, and a number of them had started as “young” MLAs in state legislatures.

Another revealing fact is average age of parliamentarians in other countries. Again, surprisingly it is quite close to the average age of Indian parliamentarians. For example, in UK, it is 51 years, while in Japan, it is 53 years. For that matter, it is above 60 years in the most powerful nation in the world, the USA. Howzzat for youth in politics!!? This should go some length in proving that youth in politics does not always translate into better politics, or better administration for that matter.

Another aspect of this debate is brought to the fore if we analyze the current crop of young politicians. A vast majority of these so called ‘young politicians’ are sons (rarely daughters, another noteworthy fact) of established politicians. How many of them would have succeeded on their own in securing a parliamentary seat on the sheer dint of their charisma and performance is a question that is wide open to debate.

So, what does this mean? Does this imply that youth has no part to play in the national politics? The answer is an unequivocal no! In fact, there would be nothing more welcome than a greater participation of youth in policy making and legislation. The point that is worth making is – it is not a panacea for all our ills. The cure that we seek lies somewhere else, and not in the fact that our policy making body is geriatric, which is not the truth in any case. Perhaps, it would be immensely useful, constructive and productive if the youth just come out in full force, and do a duty that is enjoined upon them by the constitution – vote for the right candidate.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is India Really Independent?

August 15th, 2010 signified 63 years of freedom for India. Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister, gave a speech to the Constituent Assembly at midnight on August 14, 1947. "At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest.she has never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals which gave her strength. We end today, a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again." His speech inspired us with ideals about a new beginning for India.

Has India lived up to these ideals? Although the British no longer occupy India, is she really independent of their influence? While they were in India, we began to follow their traditions, their philosophies, and their lifestyle. We silently allowed them desecrate our heritage, culture and religion. Yet now, it is we, the Indians that continue to honor those who tried to destroy our culture.

Perhaps the biggest tragedy has been in the area of religion. We have continued to carry the torch for the British missionaries in their attempts to dissuade our belief system. We continue to allow the desecration of the essence of Bhartiya culture and tradition -- the scriptures. Not only do we believe in wrong information, we allow for the propagation of it through textbooks in prestigious Indian schools and universities. Fictitious theories about the Aryan invasion, the history of Indian civilization, the origin of our scared Sanskrit language are being taught to our youth even today.

Let's take one example of a great Indian philosopher, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, President of India from 1962 to 1967. Widely renowned for his philosophical writings and lectures, he was highly influenced by the books of the European writers who wrote about Hinduism and the history of India. His own writings perpetuated the British belief system rather than the knowledge of Bhartiya scriptures.

For example he wrote in his book Indian Philosophy Vol.1, "Rama is only a good and great man, a high-souled hero, who utilized the services of the aboriginal tribes in civilizing the south, and not an avatar of Vishnu. The religion it reflects is frankly polytheistic and external."

Further, Radhakrishnan remarked that "brahamanization of Krsna religion and elevating Vishnu as the great God took place around 300BC." In his writings he has called the early Hindus 'the beast', the Divine wisdom of the Rishis 'the God-making factory,' and defined the Vedic religion as 'the religion of the primitive man in the world of ghosts and goblins who were only satisfied with bloody sacrifices.' He described the teachings of the Upnishads and the Puranas as 'speculation, myth, parables and heretical doctrines,' called Mahabharat 'a non-Aryan epic poem' and tells that 'the higher mysticism of Yog Darshan was mixed with drug intoxication.'

In fact, Hinduism, originally called Sanatan Dharm, is a universal religion intended for the whole world, not for any specific race. The Vedic culture is the heritage of world civilizations and we should be proud that it originated in India, not shy away from it. The spiritual wisdom of ancient India is a gift to mankind and we as Indians need to cherish, nurture and be proud of it.

Many of us want to be "like the West". We wear Western clothes, watch cable TV, send our children to convent schools and allow them to be taught by the very books that were authored by the British. The impressions of our freedom struggle are from a history book in English rather than our national language. Trousers and shirts replace traditional dress. Urban youth are shying away from Indian culture and gravitating towards Western assimilation. Modernization has been equated with Westernization.

Somewhere along the way 150 years of the 'Raj' has definitely left its mark.

We have somehow lost our way towards the pursuit of independence, and have continued to be ruled by an invisible 'Raj'. We have lost sight of our quest. We have forgotten the ideals which gave us strength. There is still time to change the future, to return to our roots. We can re-discover India's timeless teachings, we can change the generations to come. Perhaps the question is not whether we have the ability to do it, but rather will we take on the challenge?

India's air force honours Tendulkar

Tendulkar is the first sportsperson to be conferred a rank by the IAF

India's batting great Sachin Tendulkar was on Friday awarded the honorary rank of group captain by the chief of the Indian Air Force (IAF) for his contribution to cricket.

Tendulkar, 37, was conferred the honour by Air Chief Marshall Pradeep Naik, amid loud applause from fellow officers at a ceremony in the Indian capital.

"It was wishful thinking (that I would be part of the armed forces) and it has come true today. I'm extremely proud to be a part of the IAF. So dream, because dreams do come true," Tendulkar said after being inducted.

Naik said he hoped Tendulkar's induction would inspire India's youth to join its armed forces.

"Sachin's association will help in spreading awareness about our force," he said.

Tendulkar is the first sportsperson to be conferred a rank by the IAF and the first personality without an aviation background to receive the honour.

Tendulkar, who made his international debut on a tour of Pakistan in 1989, is the leading run-getter in both Test and one-day cricket.

He has scored 13,837 runs from 169 Tests with 48 centuries and 17,598 runs in 442 one-day matches with 46 hundreds.

Tendulkar is also the only batsman to score a double-century in one-day cricket, making 200 not out against South Africa in Gwalior earlier this year.

Maruti Suzuki to Raise India Capacity as Demand Rises `Beyond Expectation'

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., the nation’s biggest carmaker, will boost production capacity 46 percent on surging demand in Asia’s third-largest car market.

Maruti will be able to make as many as 1.75 million vehicles annually after constructing new factories at Manesar, near New Delhi, said Osamu Suzuki, chairman and chief executive officer of parent Suzuki Motor Corp. Maruti can now build as many as 1.2 million vehicles a year.

The carmaker plans to spend 35 billion yen ($416 million) to build a factory in Manesar, Suzuki said, as economic growth stokes demand in a nation where industrywide sales may double by 2015. Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG are also building plants and introducing new models in India, posing the biggest challenge yet to Maruti’s 50 percent market share.

“It will be good for the company if they can ramp up capacity as soon as possible,” said Umesh Karne, a Mumbai-based analyst at BRICS Securities Ltd. “If they don’t expand, the customer may choose another car brand.”

The company’s four existing plants in India now have a total installed capacity of 1 million vehicles a year. The carmaker is spending 17 billion rupees ($365 million) on its current expansion, to be complete by 2012. A new plant will begin output by mid-2013, Hideki Taguchi, a spokesman at Suzuki Motor, said yesterday.

‘Beyond Expectations’

“Demand for cars in India has grown beyond our expectations,” Suzuki said in New Delhi today. “Some models we’re not able to supply because of supply constraints,” he said at a shareholders meeting.

Maruti shares rose 1 percent to 1,315.40 rupees at the close of trade in Mumbai, compared with a 0.5 percent gain in the benchmark Sensitive Index of the Bombay Stock Exchange. The stock has dropped 15.7 percent this year.

Maruti’s sales in August climbed 24 percent to a record 104,791 vehicles. The automaker has posted 20 straight months of sales increases as economic growth and rising disposable incomes spur spending.

Demand for cars in India has risen more than 30 percent this year. Sales may double to 3 million vehicles annually by 2015, according to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.